What Are Some Fun Facts About Hair Health?


Have you decided that you want to take purposeful steps to promote the health of your hair? One of the best ways to do that is to jump into research and learn everything you can about hair health. We aim to help with that by sharing fun facts to pique your interest and teach you how to better care for your hair. Let’s get right into it!

Your Hair Grows a Half Inch Per Month

Chances are you’ve heard of those extreme hair growth challenges where people strive to grow their hair several inches a month. And let us not forget about those social media hair growth remedies that claim to give you Rapunzel-length hair in a month. These challenges and products are not based on hair science.

Here’s the truth: Your hair grows half an inch per month on average, no matter what you do to promote hair health. So, if you’re on a hair health journey and hoping to grow your hair out, keep this in mind and govern your expectations accordingly. 

You Lose 50-100 Hairs Every Day

Do you freak out when you see strands of hair in your brush? No need. It’s okay to lose 50 to 100 hairs in a day. So, if you haven’t detangled your hair in a while, you may see what looks like a lot of hair in your brush, comb, or shower drain. The only time you should worry about losing hair is if you’re normally seeing more than 100 hairs a day.

If you’re unsure whether you’re dealing with an issue, it’s 100% worthwhile to count the number of hairs you’re seeing and keep track over time.

Hair Loss is Often Hereditary

Those who are dealing with hair loss can usually thank their genes. The most common genetic cause of hair loss - androgenic alopecia – is responsible for around 80% of hair loss cases. Other potential causes of hair loss include aging, stress, and medications.

Hair Grows in a Defined Cycle

If you’ve never heard of the hair growth cycle, now is the time to learn about it. It’s the process by which our hairs grow, shed, and regrow. There are four stages, and they include:

  1. Anagen (lasts from 2 to 7 years) – The growing stage, where the hair simply gets longer and longer.

  2. Catagen (lasts about 10 days) – The stage where the hair detaches from the hair follicle’s base. The hair is not actively growing at this stage.

  3. Telogen (lasts about 10 to 12 weeks) – The stage where the hair just hangs out in the follicle and awaits the next stage. While the hair is resting, another hair begins growing beneath it.

  4. Exogen – The stage where the hair loosens until it finally falls out.

Your Hair Products Can Help You Reach Your Hair Length Goals

Are you on a hair growth journey? If so, it’s important to realize the power your hair products have when it comes to retaining length. Dry, damaged, neglected hair doesn’t flourish, but if you have the right hair products in your stash, you’ll enjoy more length and a more beautiful mane overall. Here are some of the main products we recommend incorporating into your hair regimen:

  • Leave-in conditioner for moisture, hydration, smoothing, heat protection, and more.

  • Serum for shine and manageability.

  • Deep conditioner for deep nourishment and repair.

So, there you have it – some fun facts about hair health. We hope you found all the information you were looking for, and we wish you the best as you explore more about your hair. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to check out Daily Dose leave-in conditioner – it could be the best thing you ever buy for your hair!


Author: Andrea Reyes

Andrea is a mother, wife, writer, and natural hair enthusiast of 15 years. Currently on her natural hair journey, she’s been trying countless products and techniques to understand and embrace her natural hair. She is the creator of NaturallyTextured.com, a new website featuring informative articles that share tips, tricks, and techniques aimed to help others learn to love their hair through proper hair care. She writes with the hope of making hair care easier to understand and implement.



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