8 Benefits of Using a Leave-in Conditioner for Type 2 Hair


Do you have type 2 wavy hair? If so, you need a leave-in conditioner in your hair product stash. It can transform your hair care routine in a snap, giving you the waves you’ve been dreaming of. Don’t believe us? Keep reading. In this article, we’ll reveal eight benefits of using a leave-in conditioner for type 2 hair. 

Instant Hydration

Leave-in conditioner is known to provide instant hydration to thirsty waves. They often contain water in addition to oils, humectants, and other emollients, all primed to give your hair a boost of hydration to get you through the day. All you’ll need to do is dampen your waves, apply your leave-in conditioner, and diffuse or air dry.

Protection Against Heat Damage

Wavy hair straddles the fence between straight and curly; if you ever want to jump the fence and go straight or curly with heat styling tools, a leave-in can guard against heat damage. Just know that not every leave-in doubles as a heat protectant. Daily Dose does, though!  

Frizz Reduction

Though type 2 hair isn’t the most frizz-prone hair type out there, some wavy-haired folks battle the frizzies daily. If this resonates with you, we feel for you. Whenever your hair needs a little extra smoothing, smooth your leave-in onto your dry strands and style as desired. 

Natural Shine 

The more textured your hair is, the duller it will be naturally. If your waves are lacking in the shine department, don’t worry. Leave-ins can instantly smooth your hair cuticles and increase your waves’ shine appeal. For a natural shine, apply the leave-in while your hair is damp - for a more in-your-face shine, apply it to dry hair. 

Softer Tresses

Your type 2 waves may be loose, but if your natural texture is coarse, you might need a quick dose of love via a leave-in. Right after applying your leave-in, you’ll quickly notice that your hair is a softer, more manageable version of itself. 

Wave Definition

Do you ever wish that your wave pattern had a little more oomph? No problem. Leave-ins are great at coaxing out your natural hair texture and leaving it with a soft, touchable hold (though this depends on the leave-in conditioner you choose). To define your waves, you’ll wet them, scrunch in your leave-in, and diffuse or let your hair air-dry. You’d be surprised at how much more alive your waves look afterward.

Split End Prevention

Since type 2 hair is textured, it’s not unusual for it to be dry every now and again. But if it’s left dry for an extended amount of time, that’s when you might see split ends. Leave-in conditioner boosts moisture, and if you choose one with protein, it’ll also strengthen your hair. With your hair in a healthier state, it’ll be less likely to split. 

Easier Detangling

Many people with wavy hair deal with tangling. Thankfully, leave-in conditioners tend to be slippery - because of this, they can help your strands more easily glide past each other. You can apply the leave-in to your damp hair before styling or whenever you want to detangle. It’ll make it easier to get rid of those knots. 

So, there you have it - 8 benefits of using leave-in conditioner on type 2 hair. We hope you found all the information you were looking for, and we wish you the best with your hair. 




Author: Andrea Reyes

Andrea is a mother, wife, writer, and natural hair enthusiast of 15 years. Currently on her natural hair journey, she’s been trying countless products and techniques to understand and embrace her natural hair. She is the creator of NaturallyTextured.com, a new website featuring informative articles that share tips, tricks, and techniques aimed to help others learn to love their hair through proper hair care. She writes with the hope of making hair care easier to understand and implement.


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